Grandma Egan gave Brigham a "Push-Pop" and Brigham loved it!

Brigham would bug everyone and anyone who would take him to the neighboring creek. He would come and grab your hand and say 'ISH, 'ISH? And then pull you toward the door.

Grandma Beckstead made me my favorite peanut butter bars. I used to get these at school everyday. Grandma put a layer of peanut butter under the chocolate layer, they did not survive the weekend like the M and M's and Skittles.

Grandma finally found some use for her...umbrella. Holding Great Grandma's trolling pole she really enjoyed being out on the lake.

Dad and Brigham at the Muskrat cabin at the Fish Lake lodge.

Mom and Grandma cooking up some bacon and eggs, sausage, pancakes and french toast, no need for lunch with a breakfast like that!!!!

Who's is bigger? Jason's, by a quarter of an inch! Kregg's is fatter!

Here is mom trolling with Great Grandpa's trolling pole.

The Sun setting on another beautiful summer day. We were at camp ready to light up some jumbo sized marshmellows for s'mores!

The army of Helaman. Well, the water boys for the army of Helaman. Here we are trying to get dad to smile and relax a bit!

The campers (Kregg and Kjelsie) gave us fire, s'mores and some great company under the stars. Our new Cabela's camo chairs worked great!

First Fish Lake fish in four years, now say that four times fast! The fishing was much better during the month of July than in August when we normally go down. Brigham was none too happy about the sun on his face, and it was time for a nap!
Brigham loves the snaps you get for the Fourth of July. He usually steps on them instead of throwing them.
Brigham loves to eat peaches, and make a mess!